Our history
The Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group is today the largest healthcare operator in Brazil, with over 15 million healthcare and dental beneficiaries. The result of the merger between the Hapvida System, which began operations in 1979 with the opening of the Antonio Prudente Hospital, and NotreDame Intermédica, founded in 1968 and a pioneer in Preventive Medicine in the country, offers comprehensive health and dentistry to corporate and individual customers in all the regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South.

A Companhia se distingue por oferecer ampla Rede Própria: uma estrutura de atendimento com 31 hospitais, 88 Centros Clínicos, 25 Prontos-Socorros Autônomos, 17 Centros de Medicina Preventiva e 2 Centros de Saúde exclusivamente dedicados ao público 50+ (NotreLife 50+).
Também faz parte da estrutura o NotreLabs, uma rede nacional de laboratório com capilaridade de mais de 100 operações, distribuídas nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, e capacidade de processar 4,5 milhões de análises clínicas e 500 mil exames de imagens por mês (NTO). São 12 Unidades para exames de imagem e 72 pontos de coleta de análises clínicas.
Os planos de saúde do GNDI se adequam às necessidades dos beneficiários, seja por meio dos planos empresariais ou individuais. No empresarial, vão do Smart, focado na relação custo/benefício com atendimento de qualidade, ao Infinity, com cobertura nacional e assistência em viagens internacionais. Já nos planos individuais, há também a opção pelo NotreLife 50+ (para pessoas acimas de 50 anos) ou pelo Pleno, um plano de saúde exclusivo para atendimento em Sorocaba e região.

The operator thinks about each stage of medical care. Therefore, it focuses on always offering the best experience: practical appointment scheduling, humanized care, and Preventive Medicine, as well as an efficient health management of the employees of the Client companies.
As part of its strategy, Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group also has a specialized and dedicated team that takes care of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects, seeking to perpetuate the sustainability of the business. In 2021, for example, for the second year running the company was considered “carbon neutral” for its work to offset 100% of emissions.

In addition, the beneficiaries, dentists, brokers, and clinical staff of the Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group have access to advantage and discount clubs at drugstores and partners in the segments of online shopping, education and courses, entertainment, health and well-being, commerce, services, travel and dental products.

Our history
The Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group is today the largest healthcare operator in Brazil, with over 15 million healthcare and dental beneficiaries. The result of the merger between the Hapvida System, which began operations in 1979 with the opening of the Antonio Prudente Hospital, and NotreDame Intermédica, founded in 1968 and a pioneer in Preventive Medicine in the country, offers comprehensive health and dentistry to corporate and individual customers in all the regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South.
With an 18% market share in health plans, Grupo Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica is one of the largest vertical companies in the world, working hard to consolidate its segment through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions. With over 68,000 employees, around 27,000 doctors, and 33,000 accredited dentists, its mission is to ensure access to quality healthcare at an efficient cost.
One of the company's important milestones occurred with the IPO in 2018, when it started trading its shares on B3, which further boosted its ability to invest in innovation, technology, processes, infrastructure, and staff training, always having as final objective the satisfaction of the beneficiaries.

The operator thinks about each stage of medical care. Therefore, it focuses on always offering the best experience: practical appointment scheduling, humanized care, and Preventive Medicine, as well as an efficient health management of the employees of the Client companies.
As part of its strategy, Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group also has a specialized and dedicated team that takes care of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects, seeking to perpetuate the sustainability of the business. In 2021, for example, for the second year running the company was considered “carbon neutral” for its work to offset 100% of emissions.
In addition, the beneficiaries, dentists, brokers, and clinical staff of the Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group have access to advantage and discount clubs at drugstores and partners in the segments of online shopping, education and courses, entertainment, health and well-being, commerce, services, travel and dental products.

Nossos valores

Confira alguns de nossos números
345 Centros Clínicos
86 hospitais, 76 Pronto Atendimentos
anos no País
+15 milhões
de beneficiários
68 mil
72 pontos de cunidades
de diagnóstico
The Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica Group values excellence and quality in all its activities. We have a policy of complying with legal and regulatory standards that govern the entire set of company values.