Temos um compromisso com você
Em 1982, adotamos de forma pioneira o conceito de Assistência Integral à Saúde. Com isso, oferecemos diversas iniciativas gratuitas que incentivam a adoção de hábitos saudáveis e a prevenção de doenças. Também disponibilizamos aos beneficiários Programas de Prevenção e promoção à saúde, destinados a pacientes portadores de doenças crônicas, idosos, oncológicos e gestantes, além de unidades exclusivas (Qualivida e Case).
Dispomos de diversos conteúdos com temas voltados para melhoria da saúde e qualidade de vida por meio de vídeos, cartilhas, artigos e muito mais. Para as empresas Clientes desenvolvemos ações exclusivas na busca do bem-estar.
Our Approach
The Preventive Medicine Programs are conducted by specialized multidisciplinary teams, which serve the beneficiaries and support their families.
We also offer:
- Health Workshops, Preventive Medicine lectures, and courses on healthy eating, family planning, physical activity, stress, and pregnancy, among other topics
- Therapeutic groups on smoking, back problems and obesity
- Individual, group, and telephone counseling
- Informational materials
- Prevention campaigns
- Programs aimed at pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, the elderly, and highly complex cases
- Health Profile of Employees of Client Companies
- Find out about our Preventive Medicine programs below.

Programas da Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica

PAC – Support for Patients with Chronic Diseases
Specialized in hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, among others
The specialists of this Program monitor the health of patients with arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, back problems, asthma, bronchitis, and heart disease, but who have not lost their autonomy.
They receive support from the teams in the event of complications (complications or medical procedures) and in treatments in general, referral to referral physicians, in addition to guidance, clarification, and telephone support.
It includes support groups so that people with the same problem can share experiences. All to motivate them to participate more actively in the management of their own health.
PAC II (Support for Patients with Chronic Diseases II) offers centralized and multidisciplinary care to patients with difficulties in health control. For example: morbid/severe obese, insulin-dependent diabetics and decompensated heart disease patients.

PAI – Elderly Assistance Program
The aim is to promote healthy aging
PAI (Program of Assistance to the Elderly) provides health management for patients with certain chronic diseases, helping them with treatments in general and any complications. Provides guidance, clarification and emotional support over the phone.
Main activities developed by the Program:
• Centralization of care for the elderly in Preventive Medicine Units – QualiVida, with adequate infrastructure for high risk
• Medical care with a geriatrician and support from a multidisciplinary team (nursing, nutritionist, psychologist, physiotherapist, speech therapist)
• Pre-nursing consultation
• Support groups for patients and families
• Prevention of falls
• Weekly meetings with a multidisciplinary team at the Preventive Medicine Units
• Periodic meetings with relatives of patients with Alzheimer’s
• Meeting of a medical and multidisciplinary team with a group of elderly beneficiaries who are undergoing treatment to talk about the types of chemotherapy, side effects, emotional aspects, among others
• Support in possible hospitalizations

PGS – Safe Pregnancy Program
Promotes monitoring during pregnancy and postpartum
The Safe Pregnancy Program aims to promote the health of pregnant women and, in this way, improve the family’s quality of life. Monitoring is carried out during pregnancy and in the postpartum period by several specialized professionals, including by telephone. Patients in need are referred to free courses and consultations with nurses or with referral physicians.
Special care is dedicated to high-risk pregnant women through the care of the specialized team, including support and guidance after hospitalization.

CASE – High Complexity Cases
Service involves a multi-professional team and a 24-hour call center
The Program offers specialized multidisciplinary support in the care of complex chronic pathologies, which require care and attention from various types of services and professionals, in a modern and specific structure.
As they need diversified care, these patients are followed up by highly qualified professionals, who work together. They are doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers, nutritionists, and administrative staff.
Among its many differentials, the service provides emergency care for complications, and the medical and nursing teams have access to the patient’s medical record for the best resolution of outpatient clinical problems. And, for comfort and safety, a 24-hour Telephone Exchange is maintained.
CASE is also structured to provide specialized care through the Chronic Kidney Patient Care Program, the Diabetic Foot outpatient clinic and the orthopedic infections outpatient clinic.

Post-Covid Syndrome
The Program is intended to exclusively serve patients who have been discharged from hospital and persist with clinical manifestations of Covid-19. Studies point out that most patients who had the disease have mild and severe sequelae, and 30% of patients discharged from hospital suffer a new hospitalization due to subsequent sequelae of Covid-19.
Patients who participate in the Program receive personalized treatment, in addition to the care and attention offered by a team of highly qualified professionals, composed of a cardiologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, and pulmonologist.
Focusing on quality of life, the Program also has a multidisciplinary team with a physiotherapist, nutritionist, psychologist, nurse, pharmacist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist, responsible for the physical, mental and cognitive care of the patient. The service is carried out by face-to-face consultation or Telemedicine. It is still possible to use the Telephone Exchange to ask questions and receive guidance.

NotreDame Intermédica's Oncology Program is aimed at patients and their families, with the purpose of providing hospitality and the most effective treatments during the process.
The chemotherapy infusion centers are equipped with quality infrastructure and the acting professionals, highly qualified, provide support during eventual hospitalizations, either in person or via telephone and e-mail. In addition, the Oncology Program has support groups with lectures and virtual workshops.
Among the professionals who work in the care units are: oncologists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, nutritionists, pharmacists, nurses, and general practitioners.